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A Tecton Transformation. Transformations are used encapsulate and share transformation logic between Feature Views.

Use the tecton.transformation() decorator to create a Transformation.


NameData TypeDescription
created_atOptional[datetime.datetime]The time that this Tecton object was created or last updated.
defined_inOptional[str]The repo filename where this object was declared.
descriptionstrReturns the description of the Tecton object.
idstrReturns the unique id of the Tecton object.
namestrReturns the name of the Tecton object.
ownerOptional[str]Returns the owner of the Tecton object.
tagsDict[str, str]Returns the tags of the Tecton object.
transformerThe user function for this transformation.
workspaceOptional[str]Returns the workspace that this Tecton object belongs to.


__init__(...)Creates a new Transformation.
run(...)Run the transformation against inputs.
summary()Displays a human readable summary of this Transformation.
validate()Validate this Tecton object and its dependencies (if any).


Creates a new Transformation. Use the @transformation decorator to create a Transformation instead of directly using this constructor.


  • name (str) – A unique name of the Transformation.

  • description (Optional[str]) – A human-readable description.

  • tags (Optional[Dict[str, str]]) – Tags associated with this Tecton Transformation (key-value pairs of arbitrary metadata).

  • owner (Optional[str]) – Owner name (typically the email of the primary maintainer).

  • prevent_destroy (bool) – If True, this Tecton object will be blocked from being deleted or re-created (i.e. a destructive update) during tecton plan/apply.

  • user_function (Callable[…, Union[str, DataFrame]]) – The user function for this transformation.


Run the transformation against inputs.

Currently, this method only supports spark_sql, pyspark, and pandas modes.


  • *inputs (Union[DataFrame, Series, TectonDataFrame, DataFrame, str, int, float, bool]) – positional arguments to the transformation function. For PySpark and SQL transformations, these are either pandas.DataFrame or pyspark.sql.DataFrame objects. For on-demand transformations, these are pandas.Dataframe objects.

  • context (Optional[BaseMaterializationContext]) – An optional materialization context object. (Default: None)


Displays a human readable summary of this Transformation.


Validate this Tecton object and its dependencies (if any).

Validation performs most of the same checks and operations as tecton plan.

  1. Check for invalid object configurations, e.g. setting conflicting fields.

  2. For Data Sources and Feature Views, test query code and derive schemas. e.g. test that a Data Source’s specified s3 path exists or that a Feature View’s SQL code executes and produces supported feature data types.

Objects already applied to Tecton do not need to be re-validated on retrieval (e.g. fv = tecton.get_workspace('prod').get_feature_view('my_fv')) since they have already been validated during tecton plan. Locally defined objects (e.g. my_ds = BatchSource(name="my_ds", ...)) may need to be validated before some of their methods can be called, e.g. my_feature_view.get_historical_features().

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